Monday, January 15, 2018

Mediocre Monday: Over Under

Today, for mediocre Monday, I'm going to look at some failures at managing the available light.

Way under exposed. You can barely tell tell that it's a church back there.

White balance problems. The sky is light enough, and the road dark enough that neither is really that well exposed.

Under exposed. You can barely see the details, and the sky is too dark.

I thought this one would be cool. A gravel road in the woods illuminated by headlights. Unfortunately, the lighting just flattens out the trees, and the headlights faded too fast to get the trees in the distance. (I haven't given up on this one yet. I will be attempting this again.)

A misty morning, and a short exposure conspired to make this one a failure.

Hopefully this serves as your friendly weekly reminder that a lot of photography is just persistence. Trying something repeatedly until it finally works. Sometimes that means that you miss the shot you really wanted. Other times the stars and planets align, and a shot that shouldn't have worked turns out better than you could have hoped.

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